Hi Students and Parents,

Welcome to Mrs. Estrada's blog. This blog will help you keep up to date on homework, in-class work, and any school reminders. I will update this blog after school Monday through Friday. Please feel free to leave me a post if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Don't forget to check orange folders and reading log every night!

~Mrs. Estrada
National Board Certified Teacher

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wedensday homework 2/29/12


Spelling: You Pick Three

Writing: Finish up Introduction Burger

Math: WS Multiplication and ISAT coach pages 151-155

Extended Response: Math ISAT Practice 

ISAT Spirit Week: Dress Up Day! Dress to Impress 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tuesday 2/27/12

Hi! Today we worked on multiplication of 2's. We learned how to multiply using pictures, arrays, skip counting, and fact families. Wow! That's 5 different ways to multiply!!! In science we used Oreo cookies to help us understand the moon phases. In reading we read some more interesting facts about frogs. Ask your child to tell you what they learned today about frogs.


Spelling: You Pick 3 (due Thursday)

Math: workbook pages 48-49

 Phonics: pages 153-156

*Warm-up from this morning most students finished but those who didn't will need to do ISAT Reading coach pages 139-140 and 149-150

Monday, February 27, 2012

Monday 2/27/12

Hi! This week story we are reading Flashy Fantastic Rain-forest Frogs. In Math we are working on multiplication!!!!!!!

Spelling: 4 times each
Math: ISAT coach pgs 81-84 and Workbook pg 47
Scholastic News: finish reading and questions in the back
Writing: Work on Box and Bullets sheet for essay ideas.... click here to see my example 
Reading: 20 min log

Friday, February 24, 2012

Weekend homework 2/24/12

Hi! Today we worked on complete our Cause and Effect skills for the week. We took our Area, Perimeter, and Volume Math test and most of the students did awesome!!! This weekend for homework I am sending home practice ISAT test for Math and Reading. Like we have been doing in class, I recommend your child takes their test in a quite area and time themselves (Multiple choice 45 min). This test is very similar to what they will see on ISAT.

Math: ISAT Session 2 starts on pg 16-26 (show your work)
Reading ISAT: Session 3 starts on page 37-51
Reading: 20 min log

Don't forget for ISAT Spirit Week you can dress out of uniform and wear your favorite Chicago Sports outfit. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday 2/23/12

Hi! Today we read several fables and discussed what the moral (lesson) of each fable. Click here or under "Listen to Class read-aloud" to watch some more fables!!! We are also working on the skill of cause and effect. In math we learned about volume. Volume tends to be a harder skill than area and perimeter, so I did send home cubic units with those students who might need it to complete their homework.

Math: Workbook pg 118-119
 (bonus page for extra practice WB 120)
Phonics: pages 115-118
Spelling: You Pick 3 and study words
Reading: 20 min log

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday 2/22/12

Hi! Today we continued to work on area during math. In reading we read poems and worked on learning about poetry and cause and effect. For more practice students can click on the link at the right under Reading Skills "cause and effect" and select mini-lesson 2. In science we are learning about the moon and the phases!!!

Also this month it was our tun to pick student of the month and we would like to congratulate Cynthia for being student of the month!!!!!

Spelling: You Pick 3
Phonics: pgs. 111-114
Math: Worksheet on Area

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday 2/21/12

Hi! This week we will be reading several fables, folktales, legends, tall tales, poems, and fairy-tales in class. We will be focusing on the skill of cause and effect. Also today I sent home the results for extended response from our mock ISAT test last week. Students will be required to read passages and complete 2 extended responses where they respond to what they read. We have been working on this all year and I think the students are doing awesome on this!!! ISAT is only 2 weeks away! In Math we will be working on Area, Perimeter, and Volume!

Spelling: 4 times each

Reading: 20 min log

Social Studies: Scholastic News and Cause and Effect Worksheet

Monday, February 20, 2012

Long Weekend Homework 2/17/12

Hi! I apologize for posting this so late in the weekend, completely forgot to update the site!


Friday folder: Please review, sign, and return the Math test

Math: ISAT Coach book pages 115-126 this is a review form the material we learned in class

Science: finish illustrating, coloring, and writing sentences about activities you can do during each season of the year

Math: Area of your hand, trace your hand and count how many square units cover the area of your hand

Reading: 20 min log

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday 2/16/12


Spelling: glue and write sort, study words for TEST!

Reading: 20 min log and ISAT Coach pgs 113-114 and 156-157

Phonics: pages 108-110

Math: WB pg 115

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday 2/15/12

Hi! Today we worked on fact and opinion with the characters of Winn Dixie. We also took a practice Reading ISAT test!!! Then we worked on reviewing Math concepts for Graphing with heart candies! Students will have to complete review pages in ISAT coach listed below. Pages seem like a lot, but really there are some pages with only 2 problems on the page, so it's not really that much. In addition, this is a concept that we taught earlier this year and reviewed today!


Spelling: You Pick 3

Reading: 20 min log

ISAT Math Coach: pages 183, 185, 189-193, 198, and 200-203

Friday, February 10, 2012

Long Weekend Homework

Hi! So this long weekend I am sending home ISAT Coach Math book. Students need to complete Lesson 4: on Money. We covered money earlier in the year so this should just be a review and students should know how to count and make change with money. Also don't forget NO SCHOOL on Monday!!!!!!


ISAT Coach Math: pg 56-68 (sounds like a lot but there are many pages explaining "how to")

Friday Folder: Reading Practice packet and get test signed

Reading: 20 min log

Valentine's Day Party: I sent home yesterday a class roster for valentine cards and candy for party on 2/14/12 Tuesday. We will be watching the movie Because of Winn Dixie since we are reading the book in class! Candy and cards are optional, but please if you do bring treats makes sure there's enough for all 21 students. We don't want any one's feelings hurt.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday 2/9/12

Hi! Today we worked on finishing our Fatherhood Essay!!!! All Essay needs to filled out completely on the entry form. Please help your child out with the correct phone and address. In addition, essays need to be read by or read to their "father-figured". Then dad (father figure) needs to respond to the essay by writing their thoughts on the back. For those who don't speak in English your child can translate the essay and read it to you, and your child can write you reaction down for you.


Spelling: study for test and make sure all your You Pick 3 is complete

Writing: Bring Essays back they are do to White Sox headquarters tomorrow!

Math: Review for test tomorrow, complete page 459 set A B C and D in Math book.

Reading: 20 min log

Valentine's Day Party: I sent home today a class roster for valentine cards and candy for party on 2/14/12 next Tuesday. We will be watching the movie Because of Winn Dixie since we are reading the book in class! Candy and cards are optional, but please if you do bring treats makes sure there's enough for all 21 students. We don't want any one's feelings hurt.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday 2/08/12

Hi today we did a fun Math activity with hearts and geometery! We also worked on our introductions for our Fatherhood essays. Then in reading we worked on reading some more nonfiction text and extended response.


Math: Workbook page 112-113 

Spelling: You Pick 3

Reading: We read Winn-Dixie Chapters 13-15 in class, students need to respond to question packet page 8 and complete 20 min Reading log. Students can re-read the chapters we read in class for their reading log if they would like to.

Writing: Write a COOL and INTERESTING "introduction" to fatherhood essay. Remember it's a contest so you want the judges to pick yours. Forgot the lesson toady on introductions??? Click here to read mine.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Tuesday 2/7/12

Hi! Today we worked on learning about Symmetry in Math. We will also be working out of the ISAT Coach books for Reading and Math. ISAT is only 4 WEEKS away!!!!! We have been working really hard. At home you can work on Math concepts like counting really money, making change, telling time, and finding how much time passed. Practice makes perfect!

Math: Worksheet on Symmetry

Writing: Chicago White Sox Fatherhood Essay, Students need to write two paragraphs on "What my father means to me?" (we started this in class) Click here to see my sample of writing.

Reading: Because of Winn Dixie Worksheet pg 7 and color! Reading 2o min log

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday 2/1/2012

Hi! Today REPORT CARDS went home!!!!!!! Please review, discuss with your child, sign, and return cards to school as soon as possible. I am very proud of those students who worked hard and have made great growth!


Spelling: You Pick 3 and glue stort, TEST tomorrow

Reading: 20 min log and any center not finished in class

Math:WS review, TEST tomorrow

Centers for the Week: (2o min x2 rotation)
Phonics: 101-104
Expository Text: Level reader and double entry
Reading ISAT: Coach Lesson pg 92-93