Hi Students and Parents,

Welcome to Mrs. Estrada's blog. This blog will help you keep up to date on homework, in-class work, and any school reminders. I will update this blog after school Monday through Friday. Please feel free to leave me a post if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Don't forget to check orange folders and reading log every night!

~Mrs. Estrada
National Board Certified Teacher

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spring Break

Hi! I hope everyone is enjoying their SPRING BREAK!!!! Remember if your child gets "bored" or wants to make sure they are practicing their skills I encourage them to visit the NWEA websites located at the right hand side. They can practice in both Reading and Math. To get their RIT Band score on were they should start reference your copy of the report card, or you can message me below if you need me to send that score again.

Over break, your child should be...
1) Reading every night and record their reading in their log
2) Complete 2 book reports that should be the same book they read every night
3) Study, Practice, and Learn their multiplication facts, 0-9 should be mastered we will work on 10-12 when we get back!

~Mrs. Estrada

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday 3/22/12

Hi! Tomorrow we will have a test on Raising Dragons and Spelling test. Students can listen and follow along to read aloud by clicking here.

Reading: 20 min log read Raising Dragons and Worksheet pg 174. Study vocabulary for test

Math: Study 8's multiplication flash cards and WB 59

Spelling: Study for test! and Write Sort

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday 3/21/12

Hi! Today at our staff meeting it was brought to the teachers' attention that we need to make sure our students reach the NWEA goals in the Spring. These are the numbers I shared with you in your child's report card. While I am happy to report that all but 3 students (86%) made growth towards their Spring goal!!! I do have to share that only 15% met their goal already. Personally, this number doesn't hold much value to me, because I believe in my students and my teaching that students will reach their goal in the Spring assessment (May). However, to ensure we do our best and give it our best try, the school would like for all students to begin school earlier. Starting the week of April 9th students are to report to school at 7:30 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays. Please make sure your child attends NWEA Boot Camp and please return the permission slips back to class as soon as possible. Thank you for helping me help your child!

Spelling: You Pick 3

Math: WB 58 multiply by 7

English: Extra Practice page 96

Reading: 20 min log

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday 3/20/12

Jeans and CEA shirts tomorrow!!!! 

Spelling: You Pick 3

Math: WB 57

Reading: 20 min log

English: pg 95 #1-18

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday 3/19/12


Today we worked on editing our essay for capitals, end marks, and spelling.We will be publishing our finally essay tomorrow!!!!

Spelling: 4 times each in cursive

Reading: re-read Raising Dragons for 20 min log and complete questions in the back of the story on page 342 #1-6

Math: Workbook 56 and study flashcards

English: page 75 #7-18 on singular possessive nouns

Writing: Those students who didn't finish editing

Missing Homework notes from Friday!!!! Zero points earned!
-Oscar, Sam, Sammy, and Richard

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday 3/15/12



English: pg 94 #1-20

Spelling: Write and study words

Math: pg 229 all sets

Reading: 20 min log

Writing: finish your conclusion paragraph 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tuesday 3/13/12

Spelling: Start You Pick Three (Due Thursday)

Math: WB 53

English: Packet on Nouns

Reading: 20 min log

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday 3/12/12

Hi! Tomorrow is our last day of ISAT!!!! Remember to get to school early.


Spelling: 4 times each in cursive

Math: WB 52 and math extended response

English: pg 93 #1-20

Reading: 20 min log

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Weekend Homework 3/9/12

Hi! So the hard part of ISAT is over!!! We only have 1 more Math test that we will be taking on Tuesday. This test will ask the students to write 2 Math Extended Response. We have been practicing this since August but is probably the most challenging concept for children. Students need to do 3 things to be successful 1) solve the math problem correctly, 2) explain every step they took in order, and 3) explain WHY they decided to solve the problem the way they did. This weekend I am sending home 2 more practice Math problems, to get in some extra practice! Practice makes perfect!

Math: 2 Math Extended Responses

Friday Folder: Please review, sign and return Reading Test.

Progress Reports: please review, sign, and return.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wednesday 3/7/12

The students had an awesome 1st day of testing!!!!!!! I am really proud with those students who took their time and checked their answers. Please make sure that your child gets to school early tomorrow and eats a good breakfast. We will start tomorrow at 8:50am. Don't forget to remind them that they are awesome and to do their best on the test!


Spelling: work on You Pick 3 (due Friday)

Reading: 20 min log

Progress Reports: Please review, sign, and return

Go to bed early!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday 3/6/12

Hi! Tomorrow is the start of ISAT!!!!! Please make sure your child gets to school early! No later than 8:50! Also make sure they go to bed early, wake up on time so they are wide awake, and eat a good breakfast. Don't forget to tell them how awesome they are and wish them the best luck!!!!!!

Go to bed early!!!!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Long Weekend Homework

No school Monday!!!!!!!!!! ISAT starts Wednesday!!!!


Math: Worksheet on Multiply by 4

Math: finish ISAT last pages!!!! pgs. 159-165

Writing: Burger for 1st Bullet Only

Friday Folder: Word Problems and Geometry WS

Reading: 20 min log