Hi Students and Parents,

Welcome to Mrs. Estrada's blog. This blog will help you keep up to date on homework, in-class work, and any school reminders. I will update this blog after school Monday through Friday. Please feel free to leave me a post if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Don't forget to check orange folders and reading log every night!

~Mrs. Estrada
National Board Certified Teacher

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday 02/27/13

Hi! Today we had an awesome with Dr. Seuss activities and read alouds!  Tomorrow is Twin Day. Students had an opportunity to talk with a partner and discuss how they would come dress tomorrow for Twin Day!

Spelling: Rainbow write. Try using only 2 colors to switch when adding  an new sound, also I have been teaching the students to chunk sounds together as oppose to writing every single letter separately  (see picture)

Math: Workbook page on place value to 100

Reading: Practice Sight words and practice reading 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday 02/26/13

Hi! Tomorrow is a 1/2 day of school. Dismissal is at 11:30am.

Also some very sad news.... Our April 12th field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry to see the play of Junie B. Jones had to be cancelled. There was a slight oversight when scheduling… We (1st Grade Team) realized that April 12th is a half day of attendance for students. With the timing of the play there was a chance that we may have not arrived back to school in time for the usual 11:30 am dismissal.  For the safety and well-being of everyone, it was decided that the trip had to be cancelled. 

Please know that the first grade teachers are working diligently to get another field trip planned.  The money you paid for your child is being held in the school’s safe until we see what expenses come of the next trip we plan. Thank you for understanding!

Lastly, tomorrow is wear your favorite Chicago sports day shirt with jeans!!!

Spelling: 5 sentences and pictures

Math: workbook page on place value

Phonics: worksheet

Reading: Practice sight words and practice reading

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday 02/25/13

Hi! Today is an exciting day, because we started out Dr. Seuss unit in celebration for his birthday on March 2nd. Also, after analyzing students' spelling test I have decided to differentiate spelling words into 3 lists. Red list is for students who need more support, Green list is on level, and Blue list is for students who are ready to be challenged. Homework activities and routines will stay the same just the words will be different.

Red Students: Mikey, Rudy, Valeria, Gianna, Aidan
Blue Students: Camila, David, Eliza, Ruth, Charlotte
Green: Everyone else in class

Spelling: 3 times each 
Red: cat, bat, sat, fat, mat, rat, fan, ran, pan, can, man, hat, van, tan

Green: green, steam. we, creep, beach, he, sheet, mean, she, teeth, sneak, be, speed, treat, me

Blue: greed, these, scene, shriek, greet, chief, cheese, speech, theme, geese, creek, niece, fleet, grief, field, friend, vein, brief, thief, piece

Math: worksheet on place value

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words (tell, left, why, hot, seem, keep, need, full, cut, buy)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday 02/21/13


Tomorrow is our Test Day! Please make sure your child is ready by practicing their sight words and spelling words.

Mrs. Estrada

Spelling: practice test

Math: worksheet on numbers through 99

Phonics: worksheet

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday 02/20/13


Today we had a GREAT day! We got through everything today and the we started our new unit on Opinion Writing. In this unit students will learn to have their own opinions and express themselves through letters and speeches!!!

Spelling: rainbow write (as the words get more and more longer your child can start chunking the sounds in rainbow write. The photo will help explain what I mean. This strategy will help your child become a better speller and reader!

Math: worksheet on place value

Phonics: Worksheet

Reading: Practice sight-words and practice reading 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday 02/19/13


Please don't forget to send in the Field Trip Permission Slip and $4 as soon as possible. I would like to have all the money collected by Thursday please.

~Mrs. Estrada

Spelling: rainbow write

Math: Worksheet on Tens and Ones

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday 02/18/13

Hi! This week we will be reading about George Washington during reading workshop. We will also be learning about biographies and writing opinion pieces. In Math we started a new unit in counting and place value. I sent home extra resources (not homework) to reinforce skills that will be taught throughout the next 2 weeks.

Also, we are going on a filed trip!!!!!!!!! We have been reading Junie B. Jones in class and now we will be going on a trip to see her live on stage!!! April 12th please send permission slip and $4.00 to class as soon as possible.

Spelling: 3x times each (white, try, light, spine, fly, bright, lime, shy, night, wife, sky, tight, five, dry, eye, pie)

Math:  worksheet on place value and counting by tens

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words (before, both, below, cold, fast, hold, grow, most, shall, add)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thursday 02/14/13

Happy Valentine's Day!

The student's had a blast today! Thank you to all the parents who sent treats and cards! Also, I am extremely thankful to the families who sent me cards, candies, popcorn, stuffed frogs and chocolates! It is a joy to be able to come to work and do what I love most to do and teach! This class is especially wonderful and they make everyday so fun!

Thank you and enjoy your love ones!

Happy Valentine's Day!
~Mrs. Estrada

Spelling: practice test

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Math: Worksheet 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday! 02/13/13

Hi! I am so proud of all the students who remembered to complete 2 days of spelling homework staying right on schedule even with yesterday's day off!!! Today we continued to read and learn more about Abraham Lincoln.

Tomorrow is an exciting day. The students have been talking about Valentine's Day for the longest! Please, please, please make sure that if your child is bringing treats or cards they have enough for everyone. All 29 students, 14 girls and 15 boys. We don't want anyone to feel left out. Last holiday party, I had to send treats back home, since there were not enough for everyone to have one. Please NO CUPCAKES or CAKES.

Mrs. Estrada

Spelling: Rainbow Write

Math: Worksheet on solid shapes

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday 02/11/13

Hi! This week we will be reading fiction and nonfiction read alouds about Abraham Lincoln. Also, don't forget that there is no school tomorrow for Abraham Lincoln's birthday!

Feburary 14th is Valentine's Day: 29 students 14 boys and 15 girls

Spelling: Long A words students need to complete Day 1 & 2 by Wednesday: 3 times each and 5 sentences and Pictures. 
Words are; day, say, clay, play, stay, chase, maze, shade, grade, flake, wait, waist, plain. rain, snail

Math: Worksheet on sorting shapes

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words (also, move, letter, word, always, don't, kind, read, until, great)

Sunday, February 10, 2013


I forgot to post Friday!!! Sorry! But I am sure by now you all know the routine. Book Reports due Monday!

No test folders sent home since we just started the new quarter.

Reports Cards: please return signed report card as soon as possible.

~Mrs. Estrada

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday 02/07/13

Hi! Thank you to all the parents who were so prompt to return report cards. Also, some parents asked about the recent book your child may have come home with on Tuesday. This book is solely for enjoyment (no need to complete book report). We finally have a library teacher!!!! Therefore, the students visited the library on Tuesday and she allowed them to checkout a book. Students will need to bring that book back on Tuesday to checkout a different book. Yay for finally having the school library open!!!!

Spelling: Spelling practice test (I am sending a worksheet where you can have your child record the word on correct category)

Math: Workbook page with solid shapes

Reading: practice sight words (test tomorrow) and practice reading 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday 02/06/13

Hi! Report cards went home today!!!!!!!!!!! Please review, sign, and return as soon as possible.

Spelling: Rainbow Write

Math: Workbook page on shapes and sorting

Phonics: worksheet

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday 02/04/13

Even though we had 8 students missing today, we still had a wonderful and productive day! I completely understand in keeping your child home if they are sick, we don't want to spread the germs. However, please understand that every day they miss of school they are missing valuable information. Monday's and Friday's are especially important since we get all our new words, story, and poems for the week on Mondays and then assessment day on Friday. Today in Math we also started our unit on Geometry!!!

Spelling: master copy and 3 times each (press, pry, prime, spring, truck, try, trunk, string, dress, drink, draw, dry, brush, brick, bring)

Phonics: worksheet long i

Math: on sorting and classifying shapes

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words (think, going, new, came, please, into, ride, ate, ask, give)