Hi Students and Parents,

Welcome to Mrs. Estrada's blog. This blog will help you keep up to date on homework, in-class work, and any school reminders. I will update this blog after school Monday through Friday. Please feel free to leave me a post if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Don't forget to check orange folders and reading log every night!

~Mrs. Estrada
National Board Certified Teacher

Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday!!!! 03/22/13

Dear Parents,

HAPPY SPRING BREAK!!!!! Some parents have address concerns on how they can further help their child at home. Over Spring Break I am sending 2 workbooks that you can use to help guide your child. These workbooks are 2 more out of the 6 that I will continue to send home as we cover material in class. These workbooks should be used like a NWEA coach book. NWEA is the test that will assess how much growth your child has made this year. Please keep in mind that these workbooks should be completed with an adult and not alone. These workbooks don’t have to be completed by the time we return from break. You can decide the pacing that works best for you and your child.

Also, please continue to use Odyssey and Raz Kids if internet access is available. You can locate both these links on our class blog at www.mrsestrada.com.

Odyssey: www.thelearningodyssey.com

Username: first initial and last name
Password: initials
School: explorer

Teacher Username: mrsestrada1
Password: initials and class #

Enjoy your Spring Break!

~Mrs. Estrada
P.S. Keep practicing those sight words!!!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday 03/21/13

Hi! Tomorrow is school spirit day!!! Jeans and school shirt!!!

Spelling: practice test

Math: workbook

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wednesday 03/20/13

Hi! Our school is having an NWEA Boot Camp after school program. This program will run through the month of April. Please complete the permission slips and return to school as soon as possible.

Spelling: Rainbow Write

Math: 2 worksheets on comparing numbers (Alligator always wants to eat the bigger meal!)

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words

NWEA Boot Camp: sign and return permission slips

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday 03/19/13

Hi! Today we worked on Math and Reading Extended Response. Students will be asked on benchmark assessment to respond to questions both in reading and math that require them to respond in writing. We are practicing reading the question and responding within the allowed time limit. Most students are doing well this, some students still struggle with getting started and then run out of time. We will keep practicing these strategies.

Spelling: 5 sentences and 5 pictures

Math: workbook page on make ten, estimate, and then cross and count

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading.  

Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday 03/18/13


Today we started our unit on Kevin Henkes. We will be reading many books by this author for our mentor author study. We will examine how this author creates humor and makes a story interesting as we attempt to make our own stories great!

Spelling: 3 times each

Red and Green: spy, sky, cry, fly, sly, try, my, puppy, windy, candy, baby, penny, party, lady, pony, funny

Blue: puppy, pretty, penny, pony, windy, funny, lady, worry, candy, baby, party, marry, bunny, sunny, cloudy, silly

Math: Worksheet on oder and ordinal numbers

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words (boy, wish, upon, us, own, soon, should, book, place, clean)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday 03/15/13

Hi! Over the weekend students will need to complete a book report. Hopefully today's sub allowed them to check out books. If not, student can re-read a book from home or visit the library.

Have a wonderful weekend!
~Mrs. Estrada

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday 03/13/13

Spelling: Rainbow Write

Math: Workbook page on adding 3 numbers

Phonics: Workbook page

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tuesday 03/12/13

Hi! Today we are sending Dental Program  permission slips for free a dental check. The program is offering to give one student in every classroom that has 100% of its students participating a FREE IPAD! It would be so cool to have one of our students get a free IPAD! Please fill out the form and return it to school as soon as possible. Thanks!

Also, our class was recognized for having the best positive behavior from the whole 1st grade!!! We took a vote and the class voted on a Ice Cream Party!!!!

Spelling: 5 sentences and 5 pictures

Phonics: worksheet 

Math: worksheet on different ways to make numbers

Reading: Practice sight words and practice reading
Class voted for prize!

Spelling words with 2 colors!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday 03/11/13

Hi! This week we are reading Down the Road. We will also continue to be working with adding numbers through 20 throughout the week. Also, please send progress reports if you haven't done so yet.

Spelling: 3 times each 
Blue List, Green List, and Red List

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words (idea, other, begin, carry, today, thing, myself, set, number, try)

Math: Worksheet on adding and comparing numbers 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday 03/06/13

Hi! Today we started drafting our narratives that go along with the story An Extraordinary Egg! In Math we worked on learning how to make ten to add with 8 and 9.

Also, progress reports went home today! Please review, sign, and return. Attached is a Literacy Ladder to help you better understand how much growth your child has made so far in their reading levels. It is also aligned with the new Common Core Standards' benchmark levels to show you where each grade level is expected to have readers at. Lastly, you will find the reading level we want your child to make it to their Spring Goal by the month of June.

Spelling: Rainbow Write 

Math: Worksheet on adding by making tens

Reading: Practice sight words and practice reading. 

Progress Reports: Please sign and return (I only need the bottom portion, if you want to keep the top information)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tuesday 03/05/13

Hi! We had a great day today! We fiinshed part 2 of  An Extraordinary Egg by Leo Lionni. It was a great story that the children enjoyed. Ask them to retell you what the story was about. 

Spelling: 5 sentences and 5 pictures we are going to push for 8 come next week, so.... if you want to get a head start do 8!

Math: Worksheet on add with ten and doubles

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading.

Here is what are Spelling board looks like for the week so you can see how we are using 2 colors only to help with patterns and sounds. (Make sure you follow the correct group, look at Monday's post to see where your child is grouped. You should be able to click on picture to make it bigger.)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday 03/04/13

Hi! We are running low on classroom supplies. If you are able to please donate a tissue box, sandwich size baggies (Ziploc), or disinfecting wipes, it would be greatly appreciated. 

~Mrs. Estrada

Spelling Groups: Homework 3 times each
(click on blue link to get words for each group)

Blue List: David, Eliza, Camila, Kiara, Charlotte, and Ruth 
Green List: Everyone whose name doesn't appear in Blue or Red.
Red List: Josue, Rudy, Gianna, Aidan, and Mikey

Reading: practice reading and sight words (only, thought, put, watch, does, small, goes, near, began, even)

Math: worksheet on doubled plus one