Hi Students and Parents,

Welcome to Mrs. Estrada's blog. This blog will help you keep up to date on homework, in-class work, and any school reminders. I will update this blog after school Monday through Friday. Please feel free to leave me a post if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Don't forget to check orange folders and reading log every night!

~Mrs. Estrada
National Board Certified Teacher

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Last Day of School!


I am feel so blessed to have been your child's teacher this year. I have been teaching for 7 years and this was my first year in first grade. I can honestly say that first grade has been my favorite! I am so proud of all my students' growth both academically and in their character development. I will miss each and everyone of my students. Thank you for a successful year and thank you for being wonderful parents. Enjoy the time with your little ones this summer! I have included lots of books for them to read over the summer in their Summer Bags!

~Mrs. Estrada

P.S. Anyone who didn't receive their report card can pick them up in the school office.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Monday 06/17/13

View blog
This is the last week of school!!!! Therefore, there are no spelling words, sight words, and homework. However, I do encourage you to continue to read with your child every night!

Also, we have a case of head lice in our classroom. Please check your child's head!


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tuesday 06/11/13

Hi! Please make sure your child completes their homework every night. With the weather getting warmer and the year coming to an end we have had poor homework return. Students who consistently fail to complete homework will have the opportunity to catch up during Friday's Fun Fair. We are so close to the end, just a couple of more days of hard work! 

Mrs. Estrada 

Spelling: 10 sentences

Math: Worksheet

Reading: Practice reading and practice sight words 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday 06/10/13


Our last full week of school!!! These are our last Spelling words for the year!

Spelling: 4 times each
Green: witch, screech, coach, which, beach, speech, hutch, torch, gulch, bench, fetch, rich, much, teach, peach, pitch, sketch, branch, match, crunch, munch.

Red: join, spoil, joy, joint, soil, oil, coin, boil, broil, soy, coil, moist, toy

Blue: coat, gym, cub, germ, cease, gem, corn, cent, guess, guide, calf, game, guest, cell, cart, goose, code, golf, gist

Math: worksheet on money

Reading: practice sight words (same as last week) and practice reading

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tuesday 06/04/13

Hi! The children had a blast at the museum! It was so much fun and lots of hands on learning. Special THANKS to our chaperones for spending the day with us and making sure everyone had fun and stayed safe!

Tomorrow is the Awards’ Assembly at 1:15 in the gym: Celebrating students who have had Citizenship and Perfect Attendance throughout the year 

(students needed to have Citizenship Award 3 out of the 4 quarters and/or Perfect Attendance all year to receive medal)!

Spelling: 10 sentences

Math: workbook page 

Phonics: workbook page

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday 06/03/13

Tomorrow is  our Field Trip to Chicago Children’s Museum! Students should wear jeans and a Columbia Explorers Academy shirt. 
Don’t forget to bring a pack lunch (no glass or containers to avoid students needing to carry these items around). Lunches should be in a plastic bag with name clearly labeled.

Students should wear jeans and a Columbia Explorers Academy shirt. Don’t forget to bring a pack lunch (no glass or containers to avoid students needing to carry these items around). 

Chaperones for our trip are; Regina’s dad, Kiara’s dad, Kylie’s mom, Eliza’s mom, and David’s dad (meet us in front of the office at (9:00am).

Spelling: 4 Times Each

Blue: lightweight, headfirst, downstairs, snowflake, bookmark, downtown, bookworm, snowstorm, daylight, headlight, snowplow, flashlight, headphones, downpour, cookbook, sunlight, headstrong, snowball, scrapbook, countdown

Green/Yellow: badge, charge, stage, rage, ridge, surge, range, judge, cage, huge, fudge, change, dodge, page, sponge, bridge, bulge

Red: trot, club, sled, fret, plot, bled, slug, plum, dress, cross, drum, pug, frog, drug, slob, truck, slot

Math: workbook page

Reading: practice reading and practice sight-words (follow, suddenly, sure, idea, comes, own, excited, lonely, busy alone)

Important June Dates and Information

Dear Parents,
The end of the school year is around the corner! Here are some important dates and information to keep in mind.

Tuesday, June 4th : Field Trip to Chicago Children’s Museum! Students should wear jeans and a Columbia Explorers Academy shirt. Don’t forget to bring a pack lunch (no glass or containers to avoid students needing to carry these items around). Chaperones for our trip are; Regina’s dad, Kiara’s dad, Kylie’s mom, Eliza’s mom, and David’s dad (meet us in front of the office at (9:00am).

Wednesday, June 5th: Awards’ Assembly at 1:15 in the gym: Celebrating students who have had Citizenship and Perfect Attendance throughout the year (students needed to have Citizenship Award 3 out of the 4 quarters and/or Perfect Attendance all year to receive medal)!

Thursday, June 6th: Pizza Party! We will have a class pizza party, please send a healthy drink with your child so they can have during our pizza party!

Friday, June 6th:  International Night! Our performance will be around 6:30pm. I will be out during the school day to attend my little sister’s graduation from Medical School! However, I will be back for our big performance. I would like all students to meet me in our classroom at 6:00 so we can practice a couple of times before we take the stage. Please dress your child in Jamaica colors. Nice jeans/skirts with tops of red, yellow, green or black (think Jamaica beach wear). Immediately, after our class performance please pick-up your child from our Classroom #104, since the courtyard will be full with lots of people.

Mrs. Estrada 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday 05/30/13


Please make sure to send your child to school these next few days to practice for June 7th's assembly. We have exactly 30 students, so everyone has their partner and things get a bit more challenging when someone is missing. 

Here is the link for music to practice at home :)

Spelling: rainbow write and spelling practice test

Math: worksheet

Phonics: Worksheet

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading! 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

We started our practice for the International Night Assembly. Tonight the children learned the introduction so they were asked to practice and practice and practice. The assembly is June 7th (Friday evening) time has yet to be confirmed. 

You can you tube the song "Jump in the Line" to get the music for the show!

Also, please make sure that your child is completely their homework every night. We only have 15 more school days left and I would hate for some students' grades to drop because of incomplete homework (specifically spelling). 

Spelling: 10 sentences

Red: just, mask, lost, soft, must, melt, list, fast, fist, raft, gift, cost, desk, tusk, past, dust, half, best, milk, lift, nest, left, husk

Green and Yellow: that is, that's, was not, wasn't, do not, don't, here is, here's, can not, can't, did not, didn't, does not, doesn't, who is, who's, what is, what's, he is, he's, 

Blue: watch, salt, wash, tall, bought, wand, almost, wasp, fought, swap, chalk, ought, swat, brought, cough, also

Math: workbook page on counting coins

Phonics: workbook page

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words (another, father, something, mother, together, eight, important, sometimes, sentence, though)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursday 05/23/13


Today we started on unit for International Night! We are studying the island country of Jamaica. In addition we will also be performing for International Night on June 7th! I would like the students to be dress in jeans/jean skirts and a Jamaican color top (red, yellow, and/or green ). I wanted to give you a heads up to look for outfits. If you have Rasta beanie this would be a great time to pull it out! We will be dancing to Jump in the Line by Harry Belafonte!

Spelling: Practice Test

Math: worksheet

Phonics:workbook page

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday 03/21/13


Today we had a great day back into our normal routine!!! 

Spelling: 10 sentences

Math: workbook page

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Phonics: worksheet 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday 05/20/13

Hi! Sorry for the past days and not updating the blog. I was sick with Strep and had to miss Thursday and Friday.

So today was a lot catching up... but at the same time a day not in our normal routine. We started the day with a big celebration in honor of astronaut Jim Lovell. He visited the school along with the News Station and Mariachi Band, dancers, and balloons! The kids had a great Monday!

Today, I am sending home the permission slips for our field trip!!! Please sign and return ASAP.


Spelling: 4 times each

Blue: long, blow, loaf, dome, coach, slow, roast, gloss, lose, roam, boat, know, grow, wrote, globe, throw, chop, drop, shop, note, close

Green: sigh, try, bright, fight, grill, high, grime, bliss, twice, white, cry, grim, shy, sky, night, quit, dry, whisk, quite, rise

Yellow: rich, math, such, pass, moth, much, cloth, class, with, miss, fresh, boss, toss, rush, grass, kiss, which, bath, brush

Red: slob, flag, dress, plot, crab, flop, fluff, slid, sled, truck, trot, gruff, drip, flat, slug, bled, gloss, clip, drill, spin, fret, glad, slap, plug, fled

Math: workbook page

Phonics: workbook page

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words: day, end, second, year, school, sing, because, eye, through, knew

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tuesday 05-14/13

Spelling: 10 sentences

Math: Worksheet

Phonics: Worksheet

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday 05/13/13

Hi!  Today students were given new Spelling groups. Groups are specifically design to review spelling patterns your child struggled with from the year. Please scroll down the blog to find your child's Spelling words.

Spelling: 4 times each

Math: workbook page

Reading: Practice reading and practice sight words

Monday Spelling 05/13/13

Spelling Words for the week!!!!

We NOW have 4 Spelling Groups... Please ask your child what group they are in. Students were given new groups today based on assessment.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday 05/10/13

Happy Mothers' Day!!!!!!!!!!

Today the students had a full day of visitors. For career day we had Dr. Senese come in ans talk to us about her being a vet. Then Myaor Rham Emanuel came to our classroom today!!! The students chatted with him and they all got to high-five him!

Reading: Book Reports are due Monday!

Have a Great Weekend!

~Mrs. Estrada

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tuesday 05/07/13

Hi! Today we started adding with 2 digit numbers n Math! We also started are unit on Butterflies in Science.

Reminder, that tomorrow is 1/2 DAY of SCHOOL... dismissal is at 11:30

Spelling: 10 sentences

Math: Worksheet on 2 digit adding

Phonics: worksheet 

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday 05/06/13

Spelling: 4 times each

Red: rush, flash, fish, crash, hush, trash, dash, swish, mush, flush, rash, mash, wish, crush, blush, smash, dish, plush

Green: both, cone, know, throw, cold, blown, told, poll, those, coast, groan, glow, ghost, road, loan, throne, rode, slow, toe, owe

Blue: fool, nook, spoon, would, brook, hook, could, stool, hood, root, troop, crook, noon, hoop, wood, spool, should, tool, foot, groom, stood, wool, soot

Math: worksheet on mental math

Phonics: worksheet

Reading: practice reading and practice sight-words (while, time, talk, part, food, almost, study, often, last)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday 05/03/13

Hi! Today the students had a substitute. I was away at a workshop. The substitute should have passed out test folders. Please review, sign and return tests for Monday. (Note: students who miss Friday "assessment day" won't have anything in their folder.)

Like always... Book Reports are due Monday!

Enjoy your weekend~
~Mrs. Estrada

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Thursday 05/02/13


I apologize for not updating the blog this week! It's been a busy week.


Spelling: practice test

Math: worksheet on fractions

Phonics: worksheet

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday 04/29/13


There are still many missing report cards. Please make sure to check your child's orange folder for a note addressed to those parents who haven't return report cards. If you didn't attend parent teacher conferences, please go to the office to pick up your child report card, review, sign and return to school.

Spelling: 4 times each
Blue: charm, harm, sharp, harp, shark, first, swirl, birth, girl, dirt, corn, porch, horn, north, fork, burst, hurt, curb, surf, curl

Green: farm, harm, yard, card, first, dirt, bird, girl, corn, fork, horn, torn, burn, curl, hurt, surf

Red: war, car, farm, yard, art, bark, dark, fort, corn, for, horn, jar, word, work, fork

Math: worksheet on symmetry

Reading: practice reading and practice sight-words (being, head, group, house, family, few, line, turn, way, page, way)

Phonics: worksheet

Tuesday, April 23, 2013



The students did awesome today during IDR reading workshop!!! They are growing so much as readers and writers.We also started our unit on plants in Science were students are participating in a shared research of different types of plants.


Spelling: 10 sentences

Math: Worksheet on following directions for reading a grid

Phonics: worksheet

Reading: practice reading and practice sight-words

Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday 04/22/13


Please send signed report cards tomorrow, if you haven't done so already.

Spelling: 4 times each
Red and Green: baby, babies, try, tries, fly, flies, sky, skies, cry, cries, pony, ponies, lady, ladies, dry, dries, candy, candies, penny, pennies

Blue: empty, empties, puppy, puppies, family, families, berry, berries, party, parties, pony, ponies, lady, ladies, story, stories, candy, candies, penny, pennies

Math: Worksheet on position words

Phonics: worksheet 247-248

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words (being, head, group, house, family, few, line, turn, page, way)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday! 04/19/13

Report Cards: Please sign and return report card on Monday

Test Folders: Please review test folders. Sign and return each test and the log on the folder

Year Book: order forms went home today, school wants cash only

Book Reports: please read their weekend book at least twice this weekend and complete book reports for Monday

Have a great weekend!!!!!!!

~Mrs. Estrada

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday 04/16/13

Hi! I was at a workshop yesterday, so we had a lot of catching up today.

Tomorrow Parent-Teacher conferences!!!! 100% parent attendance gets us a FREE pizza party! (Last time, we were just one parent short) 

See you all tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

Spelling: (Plurals) complete both 10 sentences and rainbow write by Thursday! 
Blue: wishes, speeches, kisses, places, crashes, peaches, gases, benches, scratches, lunches, passes, lashes, voices, splashes, dresses, ashes

Green: toes, eyes, fingers, lips, hands, boxes, mixes, axes, foxes, buses, gases, passes, dresses, dishes, benches, lashes, ashes

Red: hugs, boxes, buses, wigs, rugs, mixes, gases, pigs, bugs, axes, passes, gigs, jugs, foxes, dresses, digs

Math: worksheet on time

Phonics: worksheet

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words (bean, each, change, hand, found, home, leave, man, mean, list)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thursday 04/11/13


Last day for book fair is tomorrow! Don't forget tomorrow is 1/2 Half Day, dismissal is at 11:30.

Spelling: practice test

Math: 2 worksheets

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday 04/10/13


Reminder that Friday is a half day of school!!!!!!! Dismissal is at 11:30.

Spelling: Rainbow write

Math: Worksheet on time

Phonics: worksheet

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tuesday 04/09/13

Hi! Today students will be receiving Spring Pictures order form. If you are interested please return order form to school with payment as soon as possible. 

Spelling: 10 sentences (pictures are optional now)

Math: Workbook page

Reading: Practice sight words and practice reaidng

Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday 04/08/13


Tomorrow the students will be visiting the book fair. Students with money will be able to visit and make purchases tomorrow.

Also, today we updated our Spelling notebooks and routine!!! In order, to keep raising the level of rigorous we made changes to homework. Please review the update routine inside your child's notebook. Spelling baggies our stapled at the back of the notebook to help with keeping words safe. Only students who brought in an extra notebook at the beginning of the year received a new notebook today.

Lastly, ask your child what's their new reading level? We all moved up a level today and got new books in our book boxes!!! Exciting!!!

~Mrs. Estrada

Spelling:  (4 times each)
Green: few, fewer, fewest, new, newer, newest, fast faster, fastest, sweet, sweeter, sweetest, slow, cloder, slowest, small, smaller, smallest

Blue: cheap, cheaper, cheapest, youg, younger, youngest, smart, smarter, smartest, sweet, sweeter, sweetest, nice, nicer, nicest, small, smaller, smallest

Red: few, fewer, new, newer, fast, faster, sweet, sweeter, cold, colder, slow, slower, tall, taller, small, smaller

Math: Worksheet on facts families

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words (above, bring, high, light, might, back, land, men, next, follow)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thursday 04/04/13

Saturday School CANCELED!

Dear Parents,

        I am writing to inform you that Saturday school is canceled. Unfortunately, we didn’t meet the 80% minimal enrollment for Saturday school. We will continue to have after school Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for the month of April to prepare students for NWEA assessment. Dismissal will be at 4:15 for students staying after school.

Mrs. Estrada, NBCT

Spelling: Practice test

Math: worksheet

Reading: Practice sight words and practice reading 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wednesday 04/03/13

Spelling: Rainbow write

Phonics: worksheet

Math: Workbook page

Reading: Practice sight words and practice reading 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tuesday 04/02/13

Hi! There are a couple of forms that are being collected...

We need only 4 more dental forms to qualify us for the raffle that allows one student in our class to get a FREE IPad!!!!

Also if you are participating in the ComEd Challenge I need the pledge form by tomorrow.

Spelling Words for the Week:
Blue: hum, hummed, humming, skip, skipped, skipping, brag, bragged, bragging, hike, hiked, hiking, live, lived, living, skate, skated, skating

Green: fish, fished, fishing, help, helped, helping, ask, asked, asking, cook, cooked, cooking, melt, melted, melting, jump, jumped, jumping

Red: go, going, ask, asking, fish, fishing, help, helping, cook, cooking, eat, eating, jump, jumping

Math: Worksheet on part and whole subtraction

Phonics: Workbook page

Reading: practice sight-words(young, water, learn, hard, answer, form, better, later, start, car)  and practice reading

Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday!!!! 03/22/13

Dear Parents,

HAPPY SPRING BREAK!!!!! Some parents have address concerns on how they can further help their child at home. Over Spring Break I am sending 2 workbooks that you can use to help guide your child. These workbooks are 2 more out of the 6 that I will continue to send home as we cover material in class. These workbooks should be used like a NWEA coach book. NWEA is the test that will assess how much growth your child has made this year. Please keep in mind that these workbooks should be completed with an adult and not alone. These workbooks don’t have to be completed by the time we return from break. You can decide the pacing that works best for you and your child.

Also, please continue to use Odyssey and Raz Kids if internet access is available. You can locate both these links on our class blog at www.mrsestrada.com.

Odyssey: www.thelearningodyssey.com

Username: first initial and last name
Password: initials
School: explorer

Teacher Username: mrsestrada1
Password: initials and class #

Enjoy your Spring Break!

~Mrs. Estrada
P.S. Keep practicing those sight words!!!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday 03/21/13

Hi! Tomorrow is school spirit day!!! Jeans and school shirt!!!

Spelling: practice test

Math: workbook

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wednesday 03/20/13

Hi! Our school is having an NWEA Boot Camp after school program. This program will run through the month of April. Please complete the permission slips and return to school as soon as possible.

Spelling: Rainbow Write

Math: 2 worksheets on comparing numbers (Alligator always wants to eat the bigger meal!)

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words

NWEA Boot Camp: sign and return permission slips

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday 03/19/13

Hi! Today we worked on Math and Reading Extended Response. Students will be asked on benchmark assessment to respond to questions both in reading and math that require them to respond in writing. We are practicing reading the question and responding within the allowed time limit. Most students are doing well this, some students still struggle with getting started and then run out of time. We will keep practicing these strategies.

Spelling: 5 sentences and 5 pictures

Math: workbook page on make ten, estimate, and then cross and count

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading.  

Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday 03/18/13


Today we started our unit on Kevin Henkes. We will be reading many books by this author for our mentor author study. We will examine how this author creates humor and makes a story interesting as we attempt to make our own stories great!

Spelling: 3 times each

Red and Green: spy, sky, cry, fly, sly, try, my, puppy, windy, candy, baby, penny, party, lady, pony, funny

Blue: puppy, pretty, penny, pony, windy, funny, lady, worry, candy, baby, party, marry, bunny, sunny, cloudy, silly

Math: Worksheet on oder and ordinal numbers

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words (boy, wish, upon, us, own, soon, should, book, place, clean)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday 03/15/13

Hi! Over the weekend students will need to complete a book report. Hopefully today's sub allowed them to check out books. If not, student can re-read a book from home or visit the library.

Have a wonderful weekend!
~Mrs. Estrada

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday 03/13/13

Spelling: Rainbow Write

Math: Workbook page on adding 3 numbers

Phonics: Workbook page

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tuesday 03/12/13

Hi! Today we are sending Dental Program  permission slips for free a dental check. The program is offering to give one student in every classroom that has 100% of its students participating a FREE IPAD! It would be so cool to have one of our students get a free IPAD! Please fill out the form and return it to school as soon as possible. Thanks!

Also, our class was recognized for having the best positive behavior from the whole 1st grade!!! We took a vote and the class voted on a Ice Cream Party!!!!

Spelling: 5 sentences and 5 pictures

Phonics: worksheet 

Math: worksheet on different ways to make numbers

Reading: Practice sight words and practice reading
Class voted for prize!

Spelling words with 2 colors!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday 03/11/13

Hi! This week we are reading Down the Road. We will also continue to be working with adding numbers through 20 throughout the week. Also, please send progress reports if you haven't done so yet.

Spelling: 3 times each 
Blue List, Green List, and Red List

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words (idea, other, begin, carry, today, thing, myself, set, number, try)

Math: Worksheet on adding and comparing numbers 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday 03/06/13

Hi! Today we started drafting our narratives that go along with the story An Extraordinary Egg! In Math we worked on learning how to make ten to add with 8 and 9.

Also, progress reports went home today! Please review, sign, and return. Attached is a Literacy Ladder to help you better understand how much growth your child has made so far in their reading levels. It is also aligned with the new Common Core Standards' benchmark levels to show you where each grade level is expected to have readers at. Lastly, you will find the reading level we want your child to make it to their Spring Goal by the month of June.

Spelling: Rainbow Write 

Math: Worksheet on adding by making tens

Reading: Practice sight words and practice reading. 

Progress Reports: Please sign and return (I only need the bottom portion, if you want to keep the top information)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tuesday 03/05/13

Hi! We had a great day today! We fiinshed part 2 of  An Extraordinary Egg by Leo Lionni. It was a great story that the children enjoyed. Ask them to retell you what the story was about. 

Spelling: 5 sentences and 5 pictures we are going to push for 8 come next week, so.... if you want to get a head start do 8!

Math: Worksheet on add with ten and doubles

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading.

Here is what are Spelling board looks like for the week so you can see how we are using 2 colors only to help with patterns and sounds. (Make sure you follow the correct group, look at Monday's post to see where your child is grouped. You should be able to click on picture to make it bigger.)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Monday 03/04/13

Hi! We are running low on classroom supplies. If you are able to please donate a tissue box, sandwich size baggies (Ziploc), or disinfecting wipes, it would be greatly appreciated. 

~Mrs. Estrada

Spelling Groups: Homework 3 times each
(click on blue link to get words for each group)

Blue List: David, Eliza, Camila, Kiara, Charlotte, and Ruth 
Green List: Everyone whose name doesn't appear in Blue or Red.
Red List: Josue, Rudy, Gianna, Aidan, and Mikey

Reading: practice reading and sight words (only, thought, put, watch, does, small, goes, near, began, even)

Math: worksheet on doubled plus one 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday 02/27/13

Hi! Today we had an awesome with Dr. Seuss activities and read alouds!  Tomorrow is Twin Day. Students had an opportunity to talk with a partner and discuss how they would come dress tomorrow for Twin Day!

Spelling: Rainbow write. Try using only 2 colors to switch when adding  an new sound, also I have been teaching the students to chunk sounds together as oppose to writing every single letter separately  (see picture)

Math: Workbook page on place value to 100

Reading: Practice Sight words and practice reading 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday 02/26/13

Hi! Tomorrow is a 1/2 day of school. Dismissal is at 11:30am.

Also some very sad news.... Our April 12th field trip to the Museum of Science and Industry to see the play of Junie B. Jones had to be cancelled. There was a slight oversight when scheduling… We (1st Grade Team) realized that April 12th is a half day of attendance for students. With the timing of the play there was a chance that we may have not arrived back to school in time for the usual 11:30 am dismissal.  For the safety and well-being of everyone, it was decided that the trip had to be cancelled. 

Please know that the first grade teachers are working diligently to get another field trip planned.  The money you paid for your child is being held in the school’s safe until we see what expenses come of the next trip we plan. Thank you for understanding!

Lastly, tomorrow is wear your favorite Chicago sports day shirt with jeans!!!

Spelling: 5 sentences and pictures

Math: workbook page on place value

Phonics: worksheet

Reading: Practice sight words and practice reading

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday 02/25/13

Hi! Today is an exciting day, because we started out Dr. Seuss unit in celebration for his birthday on March 2nd. Also, after analyzing students' spelling test I have decided to differentiate spelling words into 3 lists. Red list is for students who need more support, Green list is on level, and Blue list is for students who are ready to be challenged. Homework activities and routines will stay the same just the words will be different.

Red Students: Mikey, Rudy, Valeria, Gianna, Aidan
Blue Students: Camila, David, Eliza, Ruth, Charlotte
Green: Everyone else in class

Spelling: 3 times each 
Red: cat, bat, sat, fat, mat, rat, fan, ran, pan, can, man, hat, van, tan

Green: green, steam. we, creep, beach, he, sheet, mean, she, teeth, sneak, be, speed, treat, me

Blue: greed, these, scene, shriek, greet, chief, cheese, speech, theme, geese, creek, niece, fleet, grief, field, friend, vein, brief, thief, piece

Math: worksheet on place value

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words (tell, left, why, hot, seem, keep, need, full, cut, buy)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday 02/21/13


Tomorrow is our Test Day! Please make sure your child is ready by practicing their sight words and spelling words.

Mrs. Estrada

Spelling: practice test

Math: worksheet on numbers through 99

Phonics: worksheet

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday 02/20/13


Today we had a GREAT day! We got through everything today and the we started our new unit on Opinion Writing. In this unit students will learn to have their own opinions and express themselves through letters and speeches!!!

Spelling: rainbow write (as the words get more and more longer your child can start chunking the sounds in rainbow write. The photo will help explain what I mean. This strategy will help your child become a better speller and reader!

Math: worksheet on place value

Phonics: Worksheet

Reading: Practice sight-words and practice reading 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday 02/19/13


Please don't forget to send in the Field Trip Permission Slip and $4 as soon as possible. I would like to have all the money collected by Thursday please.

~Mrs. Estrada

Spelling: rainbow write

Math: Worksheet on Tens and Ones

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday 02/18/13

Hi! This week we will be reading about George Washington during reading workshop. We will also be learning about biographies and writing opinion pieces. In Math we started a new unit in counting and place value. I sent home extra resources (not homework) to reinforce skills that will be taught throughout the next 2 weeks.

Also, we are going on a filed trip!!!!!!!!! We have been reading Junie B. Jones in class and now we will be going on a trip to see her live on stage!!! April 12th please send permission slip and $4.00 to class as soon as possible.

Spelling: 3x times each (white, try, light, spine, fly, bright, lime, shy, night, wife, sky, tight, five, dry, eye, pie)

Math:  worksheet on place value and counting by tens

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words (before, both, below, cold, fast, hold, grow, most, shall, add)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thursday 02/14/13

Happy Valentine's Day!

The student's had a blast today! Thank you to all the parents who sent treats and cards! Also, I am extremely thankful to the families who sent me cards, candies, popcorn, stuffed frogs and chocolates! It is a joy to be able to come to work and do what I love most to do and teach! This class is especially wonderful and they make everyday so fun!

Thank you and enjoy your love ones!

Happy Valentine's Day!
~Mrs. Estrada

Spelling: practice test

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Math: Worksheet 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday! 02/13/13

Hi! I am so proud of all the students who remembered to complete 2 days of spelling homework staying right on schedule even with yesterday's day off!!! Today we continued to read and learn more about Abraham Lincoln.

Tomorrow is an exciting day. The students have been talking about Valentine's Day for the longest! Please, please, please make sure that if your child is bringing treats or cards they have enough for everyone. All 29 students, 14 girls and 15 boys. We don't want anyone to feel left out. Last holiday party, I had to send treats back home, since there were not enough for everyone to have one. Please NO CUPCAKES or CAKES.

Mrs. Estrada

Spelling: Rainbow Write

Math: Worksheet on solid shapes

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday 02/11/13

Hi! This week we will be reading fiction and nonfiction read alouds about Abraham Lincoln. Also, don't forget that there is no school tomorrow for Abraham Lincoln's birthday!

Feburary 14th is Valentine's Day: 29 students 14 boys and 15 girls

Spelling: Long A words students need to complete Day 1 & 2 by Wednesday: 3 times each and 5 sentences and Pictures. 
Words are; day, say, clay, play, stay, chase, maze, shade, grade, flake, wait, waist, plain. rain, snail

Math: Worksheet on sorting shapes

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words (also, move, letter, word, always, don't, kind, read, until, great)

Sunday, February 10, 2013


I forgot to post Friday!!! Sorry! But I am sure by now you all know the routine. Book Reports due Monday!

No test folders sent home since we just started the new quarter.

Reports Cards: please return signed report card as soon as possible.

~Mrs. Estrada

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday 02/07/13

Hi! Thank you to all the parents who were so prompt to return report cards. Also, some parents asked about the recent book your child may have come home with on Tuesday. This book is solely for enjoyment (no need to complete book report). We finally have a library teacher!!!! Therefore, the students visited the library on Tuesday and she allowed them to checkout a book. Students will need to bring that book back on Tuesday to checkout a different book. Yay for finally having the school library open!!!!

Spelling: Spelling practice test (I am sending a worksheet where you can have your child record the word on correct category)

Math: Workbook page with solid shapes

Reading: practice sight words (test tomorrow) and practice reading 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday 02/06/13

Hi! Report cards went home today!!!!!!!!!!! Please review, sign, and return as soon as possible.

Spelling: Rainbow Write

Math: Workbook page on shapes and sorting

Phonics: worksheet

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday 02/04/13

Even though we had 8 students missing today, we still had a wonderful and productive day! I completely understand in keeping your child home if they are sick, we don't want to spread the germs. However, please understand that every day they miss of school they are missing valuable information. Monday's and Friday's are especially important since we get all our new words, story, and poems for the week on Mondays and then assessment day on Friday. Today in Math we also started our unit on Geometry!!!

Spelling: master copy and 3 times each (press, pry, prime, spring, truck, try, trunk, string, dress, drink, draw, dry, brush, brick, bring)

Phonics: worksheet long i

Math: on sorting and classifying shapes

Reading: practice reading and practice sight words (think, going, new, came, please, into, ride, ate, ask, give)

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thursday 01/31/13


NO SCHOOL TOMORROW!!!! Today  I sent home the Test Folders and students checked out books from the classroom library. Also, I sent a note home with important dates for Valentine's Day Party, White Sox's Contest, and Great America Reading Program.

Don't forget to complete a book report for Monday!

Enjoy the long weekend!

~Mrs. Estrada

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday 01/30/13


Tomorrow will be like a Friday! This means Math, Sight Words, and Spelling test will be given tomorrow. Practice, Practice!

Also don't forget, NO school Friday!!!

Spelling: Rainbow Write

Math: workbook page

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday 01/29/13

Hi! Today the students received their new reading levels!!!! I am so proud of how much they have grown as readers!!! The benchmark for 1st grade is that students are reading at a level E at this point of the year. Many students made this benchmark. We even have many more that are reading above this! Please ask your child how they did and what level they are reading now. I will inform you of our child's level on their report cards that are going home next week.

Spelling: 5 sentences and 5 pictures 
(kit, kite, king, whale, when, what, whiz, quit, quite, quack, queen, twin, twine, twig)

Math: Workbook page on pints, cups, quarts, and liters

Phonics: worksheet on sh, th, ch

Reading: Practice reading and practice sight words 
(open, use, which, sleep, thank, them, went, pretty, help)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday 01/28/13

Hi! Sorry for late post!!!

Spelling: 3 times each (when, what, whizz, which, twin, twine, twig, queen, quite, quit, quick, kiss, kit, kite, kick)

Phonics: worksheet

Math: workbook page on capacity

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday 01/24/13


Spelling: rainbow write

Math: workbook page

Reading: practice sight words practice reading

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tuesday 01/22/13

Hi! This week we will be reading nonfiction books about jobs and roles people play in our community. Today we read "A Day in the Life of a Garbage Collector." Also, I am so happy with all the students who completed their book reports and spelling homework over the long weekend!!!

Spelling: 5 sentences and 5 picture

Math: workbook page on measurement

Phonics: worksheet on sh/wh/th

Reading: practice sight words (around, after, then, take, may, make, made, gave, if ,well) and practice reading

Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday and Long Weekend!!!! 01/18/13

Hi! I am so happy with all the students who rocked their sight word test today!!!! I have been testing students individual all this week and next to see their progress in their reading levels. The first grade goal for winter assessment is to be able to read and comprehend at a level E. I will share info on your child as soon as I complete our class assessments. So far, I am really happy with the results! Keep up the great work at home with reading and sight words practice nightly.

Today there is a lot going home...

Test Folders: Please review and sign all test in folder (These are not from today's test, but last week.)

Reading: Students borrowed a book from our classroom library, please complete the book report by Tuesday. Also, I placed a new reading log for Monday's night reading since there is no school on Monday.

Spelling: words for next week went home too, students need to complete our Monday routine for cutting words, writing them down in their Spelling notebook for Master Copy, and 3 times each. There are 20 words this week, BUT some are repeats from the ch/sh list.

Math: workbook page on measurement

No school Monday! See you all Tuesday!!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday 01/17/13

Hi! Today we had a great day! For the first time since October, we had perfect attendance!!!! It was great to have everyone in class.

Spelling: practice test

Math: worksheet on measurement in centimeters 

Reading: sight words and practice reading

Reminder: Spelling, Sight Words, and Reading Test tomorrow! 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tuesday 01/15/13

Hi! Today we learned more about measuring in Math. We also read more books about penguins (science) and Martin Luther King, Jr. (reading and social studies). The students then wrote a research report about what they learned about M.L.K. and did a neat hand painting activity!

Spelling: 5 sentences and 5 pictures

Math: Worksheet on measuring

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading 

Phonics: Worksheet on th, sh, wh, and ch

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday 01/14/13

Hi! This week we will be reading about Martin Luther King, Jr.! The children learned a lot today about the past and what M.L.K. fought for. In addition, in Math we will be starting our unit on Measurement! Please send a ruler with your child to help during math instruction.

Spelling: 3 times each words for the week are (thin, the, them, this, that, when, what, why, which, with, moth, math, path, wheel)

Math: workbook page on measurement

Reading: practice reading and sight words for the week (were, about, must, from, will, let, saw, stop, just, run)

Phonics: Workbook page

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Friday and Weekend 01/11/13


Today we took our Spelling and Math test!! We also researched and learned a lot more about our unit on Penguins. Ask you child what they remember about penguins? See if they can recall about how tall Emperor Penguins are?

This week we had 2 very important forms going home from the office. Please return these forms as soon as possible (I can't submit our forms into the office, until I have all of them). In addition, the ID forms are due Monday. It is my understanding that the people from the program will be at our school on Monday so completed informational forms will need to be submitted by Monday in order to get an ID.

Lastly, time flew by on Friday and we were unable to check out books. So for this book report this weekend your child can reread a previous book you may have at home, take a trip to the library, or read the 2 decodable books I sent home last Monday.

Thanks so much, see you Monday!
~Mrs. Estrada

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Amazing Work from Today's Reading/Writing Workshop!

Thursday 01/10/09

Hi! Today we worked on reading nonfiction books and practicing using text features to helps us better understand. We also made a diagram and wrote a paragraph about the information we learned from the book Raptors. I am amazed at how well they are all developing as readers and writers!!!

Spelling:  practice test! Test tomorrow!!!

Math: worksheet on subtractions and fact families

Reading: practice sight-words for test tomorrow and practice reading

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wednesday 01/09/13

Congratulations to KIARA!!!!!! This month is our classroom's turn for student of the month. Kiara is a such hard worker, she is polite, and always willing to help others. She is a great role model for peers! Congrats!

Today we had a busy busy day! We finally got back into the routine of things and completed everything on our schedule. We also started our Science unit on Penguins!!!

Please continue to check your child's head, as we had another lice situation today. For students with long hair I recommend having a ponytail at least until are class is all cleared up.


Spelling: rainbow write

Math: workbook page on fact families

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tuesday 01/07/13

Hi! Today we had another head lice situation in our class. Several students were scratching and itchy today. Please make sure to check your child's hair and discuss good hygiene habits. Also, feel free to send personal headphones to class, that will only be used by your child during centers. 

Spelling: Write and illustrate 5 sentences

Math: worksheet on fact families

Reading: practice sight words and practice reading 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday 01/07/13

Happy New Year!!!

We had a great first day back! This week we will be reading nonfiction books and learning about penguins and raptors.  In Math we will be continuing subtraction and wrapping that unit up on Friday.

Please help your child distinguish between the gifts they received from home and the gifts they received from the "School Santa." We will be writing "thank you letters" tomorrow and we want to make sure we are listing the correct gifts.


Spelling: Words this week are: chick, check, cheese, chin, show, shoe, ship, shelf, shell, and shirt. Students need to complete 3 times each for homework.

Math: workbook page on subtraction and fact families for 11

Reading: sight words for the week are hear, or, best, been, old, along, so, sit, tall, got
Students need to practice sightwords and practice reading, record reading on reading log