Hi Students and Parents,

Welcome to Mrs. Estrada's blog. This blog will help you keep up to date on homework, in-class work, and any school reminders. I will update this blog after school Monday through Friday. Please feel free to leave me a post if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Don't forget to check orange folders and reading log every night!

~Mrs. Estrada
National Board Certified Teacher


Words Their Way is a new approach to teaching spelling that allows students to learn words at their individual level of instruction and teaches them how words work.  Each trimester, students will take a diagnostic spelling assessment (for which they do not study) to determine their spelling level.  After looking at what students know about spelling, I place them into spelling groups at their developmental levels.  Each group will have a different spelling word sort. 

By studying these word sorts, students will learn to sort, compare and contrast word features in each category, make discoveries, become more fluent readers, and increase their vocabulary through word meanings.  Students move through weekly word study patterns by doing in class activities, homework and ending the week with a word sort test on Fridays.

Research studies indicate that memorization of lists of "spelling words" does not promote the development of spelling skills. In the past when we’ve used this traditional approach, many students who received a 100% on their spelling test could not spell most of the words in their writing! Memorizing a list of words and getting 100% on weekly tests does not necessarily mean a child is a good speller. It may just mean they are good at memorizing words for a test.  Using the Words Their Way word study program also allows us to work at each student’s individual level rather than using a “one size fits all” spelling list.  

Below is our Spelling routine and homework activities for the week! You can also click here and print a copy. 

Spelling Routine

In Class
Day 1
Make master copy
Cut and sort words
3x each
Day 2
Re-sort and write sort

 Draw a Picture
Day 3
Written Blind sort

Rainbow Write
Day 4
Speed sort and glue sort into notebook
Write sort and study for test
Day 5
Notebook check today!

You Pick 3 Activities
Draw a Picture: Pick 5 words and draw and color a picture to show the meaning of the word.

*Bonus: Write a sentence to match your picture. Don’t forget to use your spelling word in the sentence!
Write Sort: Practice spelling test. Write words in the correct category.
       an:                          at:
       can                         pat
       man                       hat

1. Find a buddy at home (parent, friend, babysitter)
2. In your notebook on a clean page, write the guide words (headings) for this week’s sort.
3. Give your spelling words to your buddy and ask your buddy to read them to you one at a time. 4. As your buddy reads the word, you should write the word in the correct category.
Rainbow Spell: Write words by adding letters to each line.
c              p            m           
ca            pa          ma          
can          pat         man        


  1. Mrs. Estrada what are the spelling words for 3/19/13

  2. Hi! Spelling words are posted every Monday under the "Home Page." Please scroll down until you see Monday 03/19/13. This week their are two list so be careful to select the correct list. :)

  3. Oops I meant scroll down to 03/18/13 :)
