Hi Students and Parents,

Welcome to Mrs. Estrada's blog. This blog will help you keep up to date on homework, in-class work, and any school reminders. I will update this blog after school Monday through Friday. Please feel free to leave me a post if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Don't forget to check orange folders and reading log every night!

~Mrs. Estrada
National Board Certified Teacher

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fall Break Homework

Fall into a New Book

Fall Break Homework Packet

Dear Parent(s),

Your child has been learning many new skills in 3rd grade. To help your child maintain what has been taught during Fall break, we have compiled a homework packet that reinforces the skills and strategies learned in class.  It is very important that your child completes these assignments, as it reinforces the skills they will be assessed on both the Reading and Math ISAT tests. 

Your child will need to complete the following activities before returning to school on October 17, 2011.

Enjoy your break!

Mrs. Estrada
Your Child’s Responsibilities
Reading ---
- Read and complete at least 1 book report.  Students were sent home with at least one chapter book from school! Please encourage your child to read more!

- STUDY, STUDY, STUDY math facts (Especially addition and subtraction)
-Practice counting real money dollars and coins (this is our next math unit!
-Complete Math packet of worksheets (you will need to complete some work on loose leaf paper)

Social Studies ---
- Complete communities’ project.  Instructions are in your child’s Homework Folder!


  1. Hello Mrs. Estrada
    I am writing to you because Oscar forgot his math packet at school. we had a family funeral last week and i did not follow up until this weekend his cousin is Ms Ford's class had a math packet and we xerox a copy from him. Can you fax a copy to me at 312 572-4504 (work)Attn. Patty magana

  2. Hi....unfortunately I do not have a copy at my home office. However, making a copy from Mrs. Ford's student is a great idea. Mrs. Ford and I work closely together and the Math packet is the same one.

    Enjoy the rest of Fall Break :)
    Mrs. Estrada
