Hi Students and Parents,

Welcome to Mrs. Estrada's blog. This blog will help you keep up to date on homework, in-class work, and any school reminders. I will update this blog after school Monday through Friday. Please feel free to leave me a post if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Don't forget to check orange folders and reading log every night!

~Mrs. Estrada
National Board Certified Teacher

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday 11/30


Spelling: You Pick 3

Writing/Reading 20min Log: Reread "Spaghetti"and practice envisioning (What do you see? What do you hear?) Pick one clear spot and draw what you see. Then at the bottom write about like we did in class (use your writer notebook for help). What does this part of the story make you think?

English: pg 210 #1-14

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday 11/29/11

Hi! Today we worked more with measurement. We also learned more about the plant and it's part in Science.


Spelling: You Pick 3 (Due Thursday)

Science: finish coloring and labeling flower and parts a plant

Math: WS on measurement

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday Homework 11/28

Hi! Today we started our Science Fair project!!!!! We are working with House Plants and testing if they grow healthier in sand, gravel, or soil. The students got their hands dirty and learned about planting and a plants roots! We are also learning about measurement in both Science and Math. Please make sure your child has a ruler to be successful, thank you.

Spelling: 4 times each

Reading Log:
20 min

Math: finish up extended responses from class

Science: Finish up copying the "Procedure" and "Materials" onto index card located on pg 78-79

Reminder: After-school will let out 4:30

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday 11/23/11


I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!!!!! You should all be thankful for the wonderful children you have who work very hard everyday in 3rd grade to make their families and teacher proud of them. I am thankful that I get to come to work everyday and teach children who are truly sweet, willing to work, and smart!


Friday Folders: Please sign both Math and Reading test

Scholastic News: Read the Article about Thanksgiving and complete the 5W's Worksheet. Students then need to keep reading and complete the questions in the back.

English Packet: Commas

Missing Homework Notes: Diego, Indira, and Alexander

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday 11/22/11


Today we had a busy day!!!!! Students worked really hard on finishing up their poster boards and worked in groups on making their 3D representation on their Native American Region. We also learned and worked on writing paragraphs with turkey facts. Finally, we took are Chapter 4 Math test that will be in tomorrow's "Friday Folder" for signatures.

Reading: 20 min log

English: pg 189 #1-8 Using commas after introductory words.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday Homework 11/21/11

Hi! Today we took our Boundless Grace reading test. We also continued to work  in groups on our Native American Tribe. Students will be presenting their Tribe to the class on Wednesday! We also worked with word problems today, preparing for our Chapter 4 Test in Math.


NO Spelling this week: Too short of a week 

Math: Chapter 4 Review pg 104

Reading: 20 min log

Sunday, November 20, 2011

National Board Certified

I am so excited to share with you all that I just received my scores for my National Board Certification, and I accomplished this great honor!!!!!!!!!! 

I am so proud of this accomplishment. This also shows and sets an example for my students to continue to achieve at their best!

~Mrs. Estrada
National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT)

What is National Board Certification?

National Board Certification is an advanced teaching credential. National Board Certification is achieved upon successful completion of a voluntary assessment program designed to recognize effective and accomplished teachers who meet high standards based on what teachers should know and be able to do. National Board Certification is available nationwide for most preK–12 teachers.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday Homework 11/17/11

 Today we worked on 4-digit addition with regrouping!!!! We also researched more about our Native American Unit.

Friday Folder: please review and sign test

Reading: 20 min log

Math: workbook pgs 24-26

Scholastic News: finish reading the rest and complete activities at the back

Missing homework Notes: Anthony, Meya, Leslie, Samantha, Oscar, Evanye, and Richard

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday Homework!

Hi! Today we read the story Boundless Grace. It is a story about a little girl whose parents are divorced and is learning to understand that families are what you make them. We will continue this story onto next week, since it is a short week for Thanksgiving. In math we worked on column addition and regrouping in the hundreds! I hope to see you all tomorrow for Family Literacy Night at 6:30pm!!


Spelling: Finish You Pick 3 and study for TEST!

Reading: 20 min log read the story "The Keeping Quilt" we have worked on this story for 2 weeks, students will be tested on this story tomorrow!

Phonics: finish up center pgs. 65-68

Math: WB 23

Social Studies: finish up coloring the 5 regions of the United States

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hi! Today in Math we worked on word problems. Students were taught a neat way to set up an equation and solve the missing numbers to equal a given sum. Ask them to teach you how!
Today students worked on NWEA Math centers that helped them with measurement based on their needs. The link for extra practice is located on the side bar under NWEA Math we are working on "measurement." This site has great practice for all areas. You can use the NWEA scores from parent-teacher conferences  to match-up the activities.


Math: Workbook pg 21-22 (use examples from class for help)

Spelling: You Pick 3 (due Thursday)

Reading: 20 min log

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday 11/14/11


Today we had a busy day of catching up. In Math students learned to regroup the ones and the tens. In reading and writing, we worked on Reading Extended response through reading FRIDA. Students learned about the artist Frida Khalo. In Social Studies, students are studying Native American tribes in groups.


Spelling: 4 x each

Math: pg 87-88 #7-24 and 35-37

Reading Log: 20 min

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday and Long Weekend Homework

Today the students had a substitute so I am writing the homework based on what the substitue should have assigned. Today the students worked on extended responses in both reading and math, preparing them for the ISAT. They also took their continents and ocean quiz today. 

Friday Folder: Please sign folder after reviewing test

English: English packet and  page 208 in the English book on Book Titles

Math: Worksheet on addition with regrouping and words problems and Page 82-83 in Math book #21-38 (Make sure your child shows their work)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday Homework

Hi! Today we worked with the story Enemy Pie. Students worked in groups preparing to defend their case why the narrator of the story is a good friend or not. Enemy Pie is a book the entire school is reading for Family Literacy Night. I am looking forward to seeing you all at Family Literacy night this Thursday!


Spelling: finish you pick 3

Reading:  20 min log read The Keeping Quilt and answer question #1-6 on pg 152 in complete sentences

Phonics: Pg 61-64

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday's Homework

Today we read the story "The Keeping Quilt" by Patricia Polacco. The story is about a quilt that is passed on through generation by generation. When we read the story students had a hard time understanding great-great-grandparents, great-grandparents and grandparents and family tree. At home, I encourage you to talk to your child about their family tree. In Math we are working on adding with regrouping!!! In social Studies we work on creating a model of the globe as we study the continents and the oceans.

Spelling: You Pick 3 (Due Thursday)

Math: WB 19-20

Reading: 20 min log

Study the continents and the oceans using the map for QUIZ tomorrow, and yes spelling counts!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday Homework


The story for the week is Enemy Pie by Derek Munson. We worked on making predictions as we read. We also are working on looking at art and an interrupting what symbolism in art stands for. Today we looked at a Frida Khalo piece to build background knowledge for our class read aloud tomorrow.


Spelling: 4 times each

ISAT: Reading pg 63-65 "Scooter"

Math: pg 79 #22-37

Reading Log: 20 min log

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday 11/4/11

Today we worked on publishing our narratives!!!!!!!!!! Students have been working so hard on this writing piece that includes, dialogue, inner thinking, and details. Our next writing unit we will  be working on responding to reading. This will help the students with the type of writing they will be required to do on the ISAT.


Reading: log 20 min

Math: WS on word problems

English: packet on quotation marks

Study the map of the world, including how to spell the continents and oceans.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday's Homework

Hi Parents,

Please remember to sign your child's report card and send it back to school as soon as possible. Thanks!

Spelling: write and study sort for test tomorrow

Reading Log: Read CAM JANSEN Chapter 7-8 and answer questions

Math: WB 18

English: pg 207 #1-21

Social Studies: study handout on learning the continents and the ocean, students will be tested next week and they will have to spell them correctly

Also, the Art teacher would like to record a lesson as she is teaching our class, please sign and return the permission slip for video consent. This video will be used as a portfolio piece for her National Board Candidacy.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday and Wednesday Homework

Hi! Today we worked on finishing up our narratives!!! We worked on adding important details and reactions to our story.

Spelling: All your You Pick Three

Reading: CAM JANSEN read and answer questions for chapter 3-6 (this can be used as your 20 MIN reading log)

Math: Use What You Know pg 75 #1-20

Social Studies: Chapter 3 Lesson 2 on pg 90-97 read and complete graphic organizer as you are reading

Remember: For this homework you have 2 days to complete.... All work needs to be done when you return to school on Thursday.

Parent-Teacher Conferences tomorrow!!!!!!! I am looking forward to speaking to all parents from 12:00pm-3:00pm and 3:45pm-6:15pm

Perfect Attendance for conferences, = equals a FREE pizza party!!!!